Everything posted by freehb04
FS Yonex I Ezone PB 5-PW, WS-2 Wedges, and Ezone XP 4 hybrid
Lmao! I love kuyaariel's bst threads!
Gone. TKS.
These are real good heads! Perfect for the 5-12 capper! Glws!
Thoughts on these...
I'd go either all leather or knit...
Another Fine Set of Yoros!
Wow, I really like those!
Best Hi Cor driver?
In order of what I've tried: Ryoma ST D1 13 Epon 904Dh 15 Ryoma Maxima ST Kamui Ray Geotech RF770 Not as much of a fan of high cor heads as they make them a bit too boxy and I don't like the sound....if they'd make a 103 high core I'd play that all the time...
Crazy Epon combo set
I could see that combo working as my 4i and utility swings are similar and I can hit the rest of those clubs but the plan that started this thread not so much...still, even this combo is not something I would do. A yoro combo set on the other hand, where each club is customized to flow...well, that's a plan I could get on board with...
Crazy Epon combo set
I personally will never go combo set again unless it's a blended set of the same model, the difference between the models was in feel and distance were bothersom to me...
I'll take a stinger and a White Russian with those wedges to go go please?
No Longer Available
Nice set, I know a guy who may do head only if you're interested Lmk...
- JDM Gloire F driver, XXIO 16.5 4 wood, CLOSED
GOLD'S FACTORY wedge set 53/58(SOLD) and EPON 210KGX 52 Price Drop
PM sent.
That shin is a good putter.
Nice sets jbird, GLWS...where u vacationing?
Nice club 1dp. GLWS! Good seller fellas...
- Kamui Ray Thunder Hi Cor
XXIO ladies ut... 22*
This would be great for mrs free....but...she's gotta put out more if she's gonna get sweet gear from me...glws stew!
RomaRo Alpha Irons 5-PW&AW with Roddio I-9 shafts MINT. $old. Thanks H
TY b! Should be interesting..
Great to see you back on top mate....not many can claim to come back from where you've come....glws!
- Price Drop !!! Epon RF551 5 to PW
Neova's WITB 2015
Well done. Very well done indeed
New Jbeam Products
Those fairway woods are tempting!
Jbeam TF Titanium Fairway Wood Pics!
That's a good lookin club right there
RomaRo Alpha Irons 5-PW&AW with Roddio I-9 shafts MINT. $old. Thanks H
Wise choice on those shafts.
Ryoma Betond Power - No Groves?
Not sure why companies our scoring lines on drivers other than people are used to seeing them...they serve no purpose...
FS Romaro Ray V Type R Irons 4-PW
Okay...this time really final...$342.73...