Everything posted by PP735
Biggest regret(s!!!) sell........
Muira Baby Blades SYard T388 SYard XV 3 wood Money is not everything..... I truly miss these clubs
Nice looking flat stick. I have my putters at 38 inches for my height and stance though.
- Sold
Would like to know if it is still available?
- EPON 102 and 103
F**k Cancer - an update on TourSpecGolfer
Been awhile since I looked through the forums and saw this. My mother is about to celebrate two years beating breast cancer and I am a cancer survivor myself. Battle on!
QUADRA fire express FW65S /CRAZY FW80 stiff
I believe I still have two fw80's laying around. Both 6.9, one is fairway wood length and the other is hybrid length. Well, I am 6'2" so that is what they seem to me. Tried longer shaft in PRGR Egg but was to soft for me.
Gotta Have it Contest Entry Thread - Enter Here
My choice would be the Geotech F0369 13.5 FW with the Sanki Planarian S63 Metallic Silver shaft. I took up golf in 1986. I took it seriously in 1987 and when I stopped playing in 1998 had worked myself down to a 13 handicap. I stopped playing for ten years and started back up in 2008 as a bogey golfer. I have struggle with modern drivers and been surprised with distance and forgiveness of fairway woods. In my youth I could rope a 2 iron 230 yards all day long and did not see the need to carry any woods. I did have success with some laminated maple woods from a well known manufacture though, zing. I have always been a strong iron player and did a lot of damage with my Titleist DCI's then Mizuno T Zoid Pro's and finally my Miura Tournament Blades. Life, work and injuries have limited my play but I am still good with my irons but struggle off the tee. I have not found a driver I feel comfortable with and usually use my S Yard XV 3 wood with stock stiff shaft off the tee. I have tried Joe Powell persimmon driver and the S Yard T388 driver with limited success with the range and playing time I have. Never been big on being the longest but ever since Eldrick Woods, seems that courses have tried to emulate the Tour and distance is king. At 6'2" and 275 lbs, everyone expects me to able to pound out 300 yard drives with ease. As we all know about this beloved game, easier said than done! I believe using the Geotech F0369 with S63 shaft would give the extra bit of distance without sacrificing control to attack par fours and give me shorter irons into par fives. I am enjoying golf more now in my second life on the course and if i could get back to 13 handicap or even dip into the single digits, that would be awesome! Scrambling to make par from an errant tee shot is not a fun way to start any hole. A solid head design and a premium unique shaft may be the distance, I mean difference!!!
Favorite training aid?
My club guy has a few interesting aids for us to try and laugh at each other at. The one I like the best is a Whippy Tempomaster. I think it is a 5 or 6 iron. After a few practice swings and 3 to 5 balls then switching over to my irons, I am striking the ball with better consistency. I do not play as much as I would like but every time I visit his shop and swing the Whip, I strike everything in the shop well. It feels weird but it works for me.
Good info. I enjoy my S Yard t388 but usually use the XV 3 wood a lot. I am interested in the F5 because I have heard so many great things about it and Ryoma. Speaking of 3 woods, PRGR Egg did not agree with me.
PM sent.......nice avatar!
I have been interested in trying this head for awhile now.......
- Epon 502 4 to PW Price reduced - SOLD
The Wife does not have to know I bought another club......well from comments, not just another club!
Persimmon anyone?
Since it is hard to find anyone to work on these clubs, I have kinda retired the Pings. I thought about Louisville Golf but settled on Joe Powell for my modern persimmon driver. I was looking at some Mizuno persimmon woods on some sites but went with a custom new club. I love the sound and the feel. No tinny sound, just a good hard THWACK! I like it on long par 5's too, you can hit it off the deck too. I compare it to playing blades, it improves your ball striking skills.
Persimmon anyone?
I had been playing with Three Amigos, these Ping Zing Blonde woods. Driver, 3 and 5 wood. These are laminated maple and a bigger than my Beast but they still play beautifully.
Persimmon anyone?
I ordered a Joe Powell limited edition persimmon driver last year. Went with a Grafalloy Prolite stiff shaft and Bestgrips Hardcourt grip. It is call the Beast because of the number it is in the series. I love using The Beast when it gets windy here in South Texas. I can keep it low and straight all day! Plus it is fun when you are waiting on tee and everyone things you are laying up with a hybrid or fairway wood.
PRGR Shaft Worth?
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to know a potential price point first before post anything in BST.
PRGR Shaft Worth?
I have a one range session, pulled once PRGR shaft pulled from an EGG. It is just sitting around and would like to move it but do not know what it is worth. I have a few other shafts that I want to sell but trying to find a price point for the PRGR shaft. I have included pics of the other shafts including the PRGR too. Any suggestions or offers?
I am wondering if the 7.4 would fit my swing better? The 6.9 did not fit my swing at all.
Ryoma F7 SR flex 21* mint. $sold. Thanks OD and TSG
Nice offer. I have been thinking about getting one of these in a Stiff flex.
Ryoma F2 13* Graphite Design Tour AD-DI 6 stiff regular (SR) flex
I have been wanting to try that head. Not sure if the shaft fits me though
- SOLD / Miura vintage set of CB-301's with Miura stand bag / SOLD
Withdrawn and SOLD on Ebay. Fourteen FH 1000
WinWin Bags
Any chance that the WinWin Style 2015 Magical Card Caddy Bag will be available in a stand bag?!?! I love the look of bag but want it in a walking option.