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The more I learn about the Gauge Design Eldik and see pics, the more I want one! But not being able to try out all the models I want to get an idea which one is best for me by seeing how they compare to eachother. These are the models I've seen (and if there are any more, please let me know--also not interested in the -M model as it's quite different--also only interested in a heel-shafted model):

Found the following bold info so far (still looking for more details):

Eldik 566g (343g head)

Eldik Ace 520g

Eldik Tour

Eldik GDO 555g - double bend, face balanced, 2mm offset

Eldik G (same as GDO?)

Eldik N 547g - D8 at 34"

Eldik SP 532g - D1 at 34"

So, how do these (and any others) compare to one another in terms of:


Head Weight

Overall Weight


Length Heel-Toe and Especially Front-Back

Face Balanced or Hanger

Offset - Half Shaft or Full Shaft

Feel is not so much an issue for me because if it performs I will get used to the feel!

Let me know what you know. Thanks!

I have the 550g, face balanced, dual bend, heel shafted, GDO. It is the BEST putter I have ever used!!! It has the 3rtnc face that starts the ball rolling end over end. The feel is indescribable!No matter what model you get make sure it has the 3rtnc milling. :love:

one hundred percent agree with JLB.....the 3rtnc face is unbelievable...roll of her is pure!

wish i had of bought the GD0 when i had the chance! :mad:

I agree with everything JLB said about the GDO. But I have to add, that although the putter is heel shafted it is face balanced. The face feels soft, but not too soft like an insert and the ball seems to track really well (Currently using a Bridgestone B330S ball). Weighting is a little heavy, but I prefer that. and the shape/size isn't too large or odd. I also like the alignment lines. The 3RTNC face as well as the weighting helps with mis hits. I highly recommend the GDO, but I haven't tried the others.

Anyone have a GDO for sale ? lol :laugh: :cool:

LoL +1 I have one, want to make me an offer? Thought you are still deciding on the MB-2s

I've had the eldik, the "n", and I currently play the sp. I think the regular eldik, and the n were a little clickier, and didn't roll the ball as well, though the other 2 were still very good. In comparing it with my tubu, I feel the ball comes off very similiar even without the 3rtnc milling, but it the sp still had the gauge click. For me the eldik sp is a real performer as are all gauge putters. I really liked the eldik, and I was thinking of custom ordering one with ingots, but then I came across this. It's going to be in the bag for a long time.

can't beat the roll you get with gauge design putters. my eldik is unbeatable.

Anyone have a GDO for sale ? lol :laugh: :cool:

LoL +1 I have one, want to make me an offer? Thought you are still deciding on the MB-2s

decided to stick with the handmades .....being sensible for once lol.

pm me about the gdo! :laugh: :laugh:

Of all the Eldiks, I have 2 favorites,

The original retail model released just after the "TOUR" versions in 2003 and most of all the Eldik M. Its the softest and best rolling eldik i have had.

I have the 550g, face balanced, dual bend, heel shafted, GDO. It is the BEST putter I have ever used!!! It has the 3rtnc face that starts the ball rolling end over end. The feel is indescribable!No matter what model you get make sure it has the 3rtnc milling.

JLB the GDO seems like the best fit for me--everything is exactly what I prefer in a putter except the colour scheme! They should have stuck with black and white or tour blue and white. Still if there is a GDO out there a a reasonable price I'd love to give it a try.

you can take a look at some yourself:


Thanks for the link, but I can't read Japanese and BabelFish didn't seem to work on the popups...but I figured it out and got the info I added to my first post from it. Do you have any other details I couldn't find on the GD website?

I like the SP ... No! I don't need another putter.

What do you like about it? It seems the SP is right behind the GDO in what I'm looking for in a putter. Don't prefer the hosel, though. Is it face-balanced?

Of all the Eldiks, I have 2 favorites,

The original retail model released just after the "TOUR" versions in 2003 and most of all the Eldik M. Its the softest and best rolling eldik i have had.

I might have to give the M a try. Does it have most of the weight located away from the face behind the ball or is it spread out more because of the ring? I saw you had one for sale a while ago--is it still available, or even a used one? Thanks.

http://www.ocn.ne.jp/translation/ is a very good translator. Just type in the url, and click on the second circle.

Thanks, that does work better than Babelfish.

Of all the Eldiks, I have 2 favorites,

The original retail model released just after the "TOUR" versions in 2003 and most of all the Eldik M. Its the softest and best rolling eldik i have had.

What do you like about the original Eldik and how does it compare to the GDO and SP. Also, do you still have an M for sale and how much are you selling it for?

I can't comment on the gdo, but the differences betwen the original eldik, and the sp are obviously the plumber neck vs. the double bend. The sp for me rolled the ball better. It also has a different finish. The original eldik has a smooth teflon finish, and the sp has a new rougher finish, which in my opinion is absolutely awesome, it feels better( a tad softer), and rolls the ball better. The n pretty much is very like the regular eldik except for the plumber neck, and it has an aluminite finish which is a very nice finish.

What interesting responses. I have tried various Eldik models and without a doubt, like the original model. I, like so many, are conditioned to believe that newer is better, but that simply isn't the case WITH ME (removed "here" for JLB-happy now?). The Eldik design, with the double bend shaft is very easy to look at. The black color contrasts very well and is easy to aim. The material of the original is BEST for me as it produces a nice, clean, crisp click and release of the ball.

The rest is marketing, something new to throw out there, etc IMO.

Add to JLB-yep, tried it at Manna CC in Chiba. It may be a surprise to you that someone might have a preference different than yours!? Gee, I just have to be mistaken if I disagree with you.

What do you mean it's "Not the case here." Have you hit the GDO? Have you even hit ANY new GDJapan putters with the 3rtnc face? Dude, think before you speak!!! :mad:

Powerfade-let me venture some comments (if JLB will let me..lol, just kidding).

Basically the teflon(ish) or "whatever" material it's called has a very nice click and feel to it. It's clearly different than metal/steel, milled or otherwise. So due to the double bend shaft, the color (which frames the ball very nicely and the material, it's a great putter..even though it's the original.

I'm not using mine at this time having received a CT Cameron from a good friend but I have tried the lot in Japan, they're rock solid putters as far as MOI's are concerned and you can't go wrong with any.

alohana, i respect that everyone is different and each to their own etc,......but come on man the 3rtnc face is flipping awesome! The ball literally flies off the face with no jump at all, it does not skid....it rolls immediately, and forever too. :love:

The dream eldik for me would be the original model with a 3RTNC face in a black finish like the new SP. Actually from the top view the best shape IMO was the Eldik Ace, I just didnt like the hollow body. I suggest those that have an eldik with the SS303 weight piece in the rear send it to joe or paul and they can remove that piece and add some lead tape into it. The eldik at 360-370 grams feels amazing.

As a stock putter I take the Eldik M.

I do have one for sale in 9.9 condition.

Plus, GDO-Guys, guys...c'mon now. Let's put things in perspective for a second. J Gauge can put out a zillion abbreviatiions, models, etc. every other week and that's peachy. I've tried them, like them and they're one of the highest end manufacturers out there. But inserts, milling marks, materials, etc.....what about them? I'd really be flippin my wig if Tiger, Ernie, DLIII, etc junked their putters for milling marks, inserts, ingots, etc. Last I checked, they aren't casting their putters aside for the 2005 Camerons that have inserts, screws, GSS, etc.

The second I got my friend's CT Cameron, it became my gamer. It's one piece of metal finely made into a putter not improved by all sorts of other technology. So leave it to me to stand by my Eldik as the most effective JG for my stroke.

SORRY guys. You can F*** my sister and kick my dog, but NEVER EVER talk bad about my putter!!! :laugh:


alohano, i know putter is 100 percent personal choice....like for me...i have had 4 circle t camerons and FOR ME none have been as good as the one. however for you and your stroke, the circle t may be much better!

i do appreciate individual preferences, the point i was trying to make was that the 3rtnc face produces an excellent roll! :cool:

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