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i had to see if the syard cud keep up with the 435 in a match

so i gamed both on saturday at my home track

9 holes each. didnt mix em just played them front 9 and back 9.

i know exactly where i hit my ball to on this course.

so i was more than happy to say the s -yard diamana X 70 s driver on the front nine was pretty much at the money.

the grass was very grabby , there was NO roll at all, the winter sanding of fairway and tough grass didnt make for keeping it uber low and extending the distance. it was more about hang time . which the s-yard can do. but nothing like the jbeam stinger combo.. not even close.

i got a cpl of pretty good shots with it, i was hitting bals high this wekeeend and really gettign back spin form the fairway. not ideal. but it was far enough to give me a decnt look at th greens so no real complaints.

the differnce in impact is marked. the s-yard has a very stiff ping to it veyr solid impact, which, may have as much to do with the shaft. but i dont mind that at all. im still not mad on the shape of the face. i much prefer deeper toe up heads like the kamui pro. this just says to me hit it left. which i never do. but i like the thoughts it puts in my head. and compared to the jbeam i much prefered that jebam shape.

its 100% go straight. ......................go long ...............which it does for the most and high!

the syard got me inot no trouble at all. on 7 drives i hot the right rough on1 the middle on 2-7-8-9 nad a bunker on 5 but that was due to aiming flaw. it was prety spot on. i think ill prob take this with me to hawaii. i have a feeling this will go pretty ok there with the jbeam425 tour shingo.. ill rotte thsoe drivers. think thats a good duo.

the jbeam back nine iwas raelly trying to step on it, a bit more its ighter, swings lighter , tis plenty stiff and ,much higher flighted. perfect for the weekend. i felt i hit the s-yard better but doc martin says i was noticebaly better with the jbeam. that might be familiarity as much as anything but i was fading it all back nine. tired back ill say... i i hit middle of fairway with 4 of 6 nad right rough on the 2nd but nothing bad.

i dont think the s-yard will take the jbeam out of the bag.

but..... ithink it might have a place.

i dont thnk it will replace the jbeam 425 tour either. similar triats .

its as much about the shape of the head for ME....... as anything....... and the jbeam i prefer.

just for the record, doc martin was hitting my maruman conductor GD bb7s 9.5* over all the drivers ibrought to test and SMOKING it.

almsot had to shoot him to get it back.

by the looks of things sat...... the maruman looses nothing to these .

this was the battle i was waiting for. nice write up stew, thanks again!

Edited by chiromikey

I'll say it again, hate the 435.

Hey Stew, where in Hawaii will you be? If in Oahu, go to the shrimp shack on the north shore named Romy's. Amazing garlic prawns/shrimp. Go across the street and get some fried banana bread. Nice place to go after a rnd at turtle bay.

The hardest thing about this JDM driver addiction is that it is impossible to really know without actually playing the club whether it will work for you individually. We all seek out information on the board in the form of reviews, discussions, etc. and that helps, but you never really, really know until you play it. It's really an expensive gamble for those of us who don't have real deep pockets. That said, I doubt my most recent purchase will be my last!

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unfortunatly i cant stop myself.........

the jbeam has grown and grown on me, im fine withs its sound/feel imperfections now. bec i know where im goingto be sitting for the most part, and thats hard to discount.

same as the kamui pro.

when i get a driver wired. and it becomes relaible .

i bench it.............

i need to build something else for the heck of it.

i need therapy

unfortunatly i cant stop myself.........

the jbeam has grown and grown on me, im fine withs its sound/feel imperfections now. bec i know where im goingto be sitting for the most part, and thats hard to discount.

same as the kamui pro.

when i get a driver wired. and it becomes relaible .

i bench it.............

i need to build something else for the heck of it.

i need therapy

Ditto on therapy.....

i hear you on the 435 stew...i just bought a second one to mess with!!!

i had to see if the syard cud keep up with the 435 in a match

so i gamed both on saturday at my home track

9 holes each. didnt mix em just played them front 9 and back 9.

i know exactly where i hit my ball to on this course.

so i was more than happy to say the s -yard diamana X 70 s driver on the front nine was pretty much at the money.

the grass was very grabby , there was NO roll at all, the winter sanding of fairway and tough grass didnt make for keeping it uber low and extending the distance. it was more about hang time . which the s-yard can do. but nothing like the jbeam stinger combo.. not even close.

i got a cpl of pretty good shots with it, i was hitting bals high this wekeeend and really gettign back spin form the fairway. not ideal. but it was far enough to give me a decnt look at th greens so no real complaints.

the differnce in impact is marked. the s-yard has a very stiff ping to it veyr solid impact, which, may have as much to do with the shaft. but i dont mind that at all. im still not mad on the shape of the face. i much prefer deeper toe up heads like the kamui pro. this just says to me hit it left. which i never do. but i like the thoughts it puts in my head. and compared to the jbeam i much prefered that jebam shape.

its 100% go straight. ......................go long ...............which it does for the most and high!

the syard got me inot no trouble at all. on 7 drives i hot the right rough on1 the middle on 2-7-8-9 nad a bunker on 5 but that was due to aiming flaw. it was prety spot on. i think ill prob take this with me to hawaii. i have a feeling this will go pretty ok there with the jbeam425 tour shingo.. ill rotte thsoe drivers. think thats a good duo.

the jbeam back nine iwas raelly trying to step on it, a bit more its ighter, swings lighter , tis plenty stiff and ,much higher flighted. perfect for the weekend. i felt i hit the s-yard better but doc martin says i was noticebaly better with the jbeam. that might be familiarity as much as anything but i was fading it all back nine. tired back ill say... i i hit middle of fairway with 4 of 6 nad right rough on the 2nd but nothing bad.

i dont think the s-yard will take the jbeam out of the bag.

but..... ithink it might have a place.

i dont thnk it will replace the jbeam 425 tour either. similar triats .

its as much about the shape of the head for ME....... as anything....... and the jbeam i prefer.

just for the record, doc martin was hitting my maruman conductor GD bb7s 9.5* over all the drivers ibrought to test and SMOKING it.

almsot had to shoot him to get it back.

by the looks of things sat...... the maruman looses nothing to these .

Hew Supo - thanks for a great day out. Agree totally with your summary - 435/Stinger a better flight and more automatic for you, but in summer the S-Yard might go/run further.

And yes - I tried 'em all and BB7s/Maruman was my favourite (man you should see this guys bag at the range......!). Thanks for setting me up with a quality bag/ on quality course/ with top company (and great steaks after game etc etc)




So you say 2 weight kits to play with on the JBeam/Crazy 435?

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i swapped the shafts around too kthe diaman x 70 and putthat in my 435 adn put a stinger 70 s in the sayrd

yest was cold and windy

the 435 with X was too tough to play

it felt like a lightning bolt exploding in my habd at impact.

distance was good without being great accuracy was mixed. i changd heads and went for the 10.5 * to mix the low launch shaft and high launch of the head. that seemed to work ok.

deadly straight. no way i was going left with this combo, ut really it was to much yesterday the cold muted any niceness of this combo, this will go on ice till it warms up

the s-yard stainger 70s was a differtn story i basically just took that out on almost every drive.

this head aint that workabe. i dont think the shape of it lends itself to movement, its so long i nthe face,

slightyl high toe shots off centre went miles. into the ehad wind this was surprisingly good. i expected it to baloon, a lot but it styaed the course. flight was mid, nothing higher, def not low.

not as punchy at impact as the dianax it is also 5 grams lighter.

managed to find the center on this most shots which was good. and the ball certianly wasnt behind where i normally hit it.

on a cpl of wind assisted shots id say it was longer. the combo works very well

its def an easier hit than with the diaman X in it

that doesnt make it better, but it does make it a lot more playable in cold conditions, and as if i needed proof.

if the weather is cold

boron wins,,, and wins by a mile.

this head is growing on me.i wasnt completely sold on it, but im hiting it as well a anything i have, and its got a sensational feel

cant really beat that.

i think ill lave these combos as they are.

they both have a rotation spot

i swapped the shafts around too kthe diaman x 70 and putthat in my 435 adn put a stinger 70 s in the sayrd

yest was cold and windy

the 435 with X was too tough to play

it felt like a lightning bolt exploding in my habd at impact.

distance was good without being great accuracy was mixed. i changd heads and went for the 10.5 * to mix the low launch shaft and high launch of the head. that seemed to work ok.

deadly straight. no way i was going left with this combo, ut really it was to much yesterday the cold muted any niceness of this combo, this will go on ice till it warms up

the s-yard stainger 70s was a differtn story i basically just took that out on almost every drive.

this head aint that workabe. i dont think the shape of it lends itself to movement, its so long i nthe face,

slightyl high toe shots off centre went miles. into the ehad wind this was surprisingly good. i expected it to baloon, a lot but it styaed the course. flight was mid, nothing higher, def not low.

not as punchy at impact as the dianax it is also 5 grams lighter.

managed to find the center on this most shots which was good. and the ball certianly wasnt behind where i normally hit it.

on a cpl of wind assisted shots id say it was longer. the combo works very well

its def an easier hit than with the diaman X in it

that doesnt make it better, but it does make it a lot more playable in cold conditions, and as if i needed proof.

if the weather is cold

boron wins,,, and wins by a mile.

this head is growing on me.i wasnt completely sold on it, but im hiting it as well a anything i have, and its got a sensational feel

cant really beat that.

i think ill lave these combos as they are.

they both have a rotation spot

I've spent some good time with the S-Yard and got the opinions of other players on the LM. I think your spot on about workability, for it's size its not as workable as one would expect. Feel, Setup, and Results is where it's at. Now the 435 by Crazy/Jbeam it's long, doesn't feel as great, it's more workable, but its also much more difficult to get a duplicatable result and I think thats what really gives me a good vibe about a driver. How often it can do what I expect and need it to.

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the 435 jbeam.... ususally is automatic with the stinger in it , ive nothing better. cpl of equals ,but this is in first grade.

the 425 tour in summer is my best driver. with the shingo spec roddio, that is only for summer tho. or i find it too stiff , like the 435 diamana x... in winter i cant get generate the head speed i need to make them sing .

funny how the shape of a head amkes the same shaft completely differnt.

i dont like the s-yard shape but i can discount the results im getting simpl as that.

i do like the matt finish tho.

Played the Syard today in 20-30 mph wind. Shocking how well it played in the wind. I play this course a lot and know it well. A few times I was at or past my normal drive despite the wind.

I have find that a proper release is key with this club. I can see why people love it or hate it. I don't think that forgiveness is the issue. I think it is more about the ability to handle the stock shaft correctly.

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