Posted May 1, 20159 yr comment_240054 I didn't know where else to put this and I had to come's been so hard. I've gone thru a ton of clubs in the past few years and sold a lot of them on here to you fine gents. Chris has been amazing in trying to help me from a distance, but I couldn't deny my problem any more. I'm Bryan, and I have a spin issue. Went to the local shop today and hit a ton of US drivers with different lofts and shafts. I hit the Aeroburner, the Ping G30, the 915, the Jet Speed, the Fly Z, and the R15. Shafts ranged from Senior Flex to Stiff. Lofts from 10.5 to 14. If I hit the ball well, my spin range was between 950 and 1200. If I hit a fade it went to 1400 and I hit a few gigantic slices that topped out around 2500. Basically, I can not spin the ball and it drops out of the air like a stone. My driver swing speed was around 90mph. The moral of the story is a launch monitor is a good thing even if it tells you that you have problems. I feel better now. Thanks for listening. Chris - help me recover.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240055 That spin sounds extremely low (to the point where I am not totally sure it is accurate - not to throw a wrench at the conversation). Are you seeing large distance loss on the course (with a 90mph swing and spin like that, I would think you wouldn't top above 220 including roll)? Others might correct me, but I am not sure if those are accurate readings (especially with a slice at 2500 rpm - which most of us would love :)?
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240056 curious to know what your launch angle is like? also what kind of balls did you use during you LM session?
May 1, 20159 yr Author comment_240057 Launch was about commensurate with the stated loft on club. So 10-14ish. Nike RZN balls. The dude at the shop is a guy I have played with and he hit a few and his spin was really high. So, I think it was accurate. Maybe not to the exact number but I hit 50-75 drives and the numbers were pretty similar.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240058 Yikes. Very strange, I have never seen numbers like that before. Is your angle of attack fairly neutral? Just strange, still shocked...
May 1, 20159 yr Author comment_240060 Very neutral. I never ever ever hit it fat. My miss is thin with a very small divot if any.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240061 Ok, so, that *might* also have something to do with it, you are pretty much throwing knuckleballs out there :) Maybe try planning with a higher-spin ball and see if that helps? Have you tried gaming a Z-Star or ProV1?
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240063 Perfect. You might want to try to get on a LM with those Which RZN ball did you test with, platinum?
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240066 how is your angle of attack? is your swing very flat with little wrist hinge? Do you get a good shoulder turn or is your swing more arms than core? Launch monitors are amazing when all the data is broken down correctly. Maybe if you post your full set of numbers, someone here who's good at dissecting can help isolate something in your swing that is causing the lack of ball spin.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240067 Bryan My 15 year old son has low spin numbers as well. He had trouble getting spin over 2000. His SS is 105MPH. His drives average out at around 270. Even though he is out of the ideal range for spin he still is able to hit the ball a good distance out. You may need to find a combo that suits your numbers. BTW My son went with a soft Stiff flex which gave him better results then the Stiff he was fit for.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240068 I recommend trying lower compression balls. Bridgestone B330RXS , the new Cally Chrome Soft or Cally Super Soft are good choices. If that helps with your spin, I would even recommend JDM low compression balls Also have a feeling you might be de-lofting the head. Too much "hands first" swing would do that. When I do that, it usually spins like crazy but that will also depend on angle of attack as Mbachman says. Severe delofting combined upwards swing at impact could create a knuckleball like effect I suppose.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240069 One drill that helped me greatly in both getting my lower body going and working on my angle/plane was to take a swing, stop for 2-3 seconds at top, then start and hit the ball. You are not looking for distance or to build this as a true swing, but to really feel where you are at top, where your shoulders are and how to engage your lower body on the downswing. When I first started this, I had lower spin issues (not like those #s but lower and very shallow angle of attack on my irons). I took a back swing, stopped, and really felt my spine tilt and there was no way on earth I was coming back down that same plane and I mindlessly adjusted during my normal swing (which i could see on video and it was not good). I did this drill for a while and it helped immensely to at least feel where I was and how my attack angle was coming back in to compensate for it. Just something to try. Also, absolutely just do this at the range :) Once you get going though, its useful on course if you feel yourself getting out of sync, you can take some slow strokes, stop at top, then start again as a practice stroke to remind yourself. Just a tip... Edited May 1, 20159 yr by mpbachman
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240070 are you gripping too tightly/strangling the club......that can be a big spin killer
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240071 are you gripping too tightly/strangling the club......that can be a big spin killer Very interesting!
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240073 Went to the local shop today and hit a ton of US drivers with different lofts and shafts. I hit the Aeroburner, the Ping G30, the 915, the Jet Speed, the Fly Z, and the R15. Shafts ranged from Senior Flex to Stiff. Lofts from 10.5 to 14. If I hit the ball well, my spin range was between 950 and 1200. If I hit a fade it went to 1400 and I hit a few gigantic slices that topped out around 2500. Every golfer that has SS of 90mph or less doesn't have the same spin rates, so I politely suggest that spin is not the problem, it's the symptom of technique. My mum is a 70yo 25hc and uses a 12 deg driver, her ball flight is fine. I suggest read this, noting the conclusion, if it's too much detail. ball speed is a significant factor in driving distance, but launch angle and spin are somwhere between insignificant and zero. I think your first step is to get a series of lessons. No single piece of equipment is going to bring about enough change to your numbers. Edited May 1, 20159 yr by theblake
May 1, 20159 yr Author comment_240074 Interesting. Of all the shots I hit, my average swing speed was about 90. Range was 86 to 93 with the majority at 89-91. My carry distance was 200-220 with an average around 207-210. I don't expect to hit it further than that with my swing speed. What I do expect is to have some consistency in launch and spin. I have found over the past few years that if I tee up my 5 wood (19*) and hit it well, it carries as far as my driver and tends to roll out to the same place. Because of that, there has to be something going on with my driver. It should carry further than my 5 wood. Not 50 yards further but maybe 10.
May 1, 20159 yr comment_240076 All valid points here and good suggestions by all. I think some lessons with the track man on and plenty different equipment to try you will be able to find a balance that will work for you. A good coach will do all of the above and then give you a routine to work on at the range. Hope it all works out, keep us posted :) Edited May 2, 20159 yr by hutchy
May 2, 20159 yr comment_240079 Just been thinking and find it interesting that the 19* with probably a heavier fairway shaft seems to work. Maybe a higher lofted driver with a stiff in the tip and but shaft would work. Just a thought.
May 2, 20159 yr comment_240082 Interesting. Of all the shots I hit, my average swing speed was about 90. Range was 86 to 93 with the majority at 89-91. My carry distance was 200-220 with an average around 207-210. I don't expect to hit it further than that with my swing speed. What I do expect is to have some consistency in launch and spin. I have found over the past few years that if I tee up my 5 wood (19*) and hit it well, it carries as far as my driver and tends to roll out to the same place. Because of that, there has to be something going on with my driver. It should carry further than my 5 wood. Not 50 yards further but maybe 10. Would be interesting to see what kind of launch angle numbers you get with your 5 wood. Again my guess is that delofting in relation to the angle of attack is causing low spin. Perhaps 19* loft is giving you just enough loft to produce good backspin.
May 2, 20159 yr comment_240085 Something has gotta be wrong with the LM spin numbers..?! I've never seen them so low before.
May 3, 20159 yr comment_240103 I've been through numbers of fittings through the past 2 years and seen that Filightscope and Trackman have been the most accurate for launch monitors. I've also have been fitted on Ping nFlight and Foresight GC2. I have the same swing speed as yours but have high spin rate in the 4000 smash factor at 1.36 ball speed at 126mph and a negative aoa. I also play Pro V1's. Woods and Irons aren't a problem for me except for the driver where I hit fades to slice. I've been working on a slight tilt to hit up on driver. I have always hit my 3 wood farther than my Driver because its shorter and heavy. My driver is currently a TRPX D at 10 degree with a Messenger 1st stiff shaft playing at 44.5. I only do yearly lesson at the beginning of the season to help with my swing from not swinging over winter. Get a lesson with a pro that has Flightscope or Trackman from my experience have a good measurement of where the ball impact on face of the club.
May 3, 20159 yr comment_240127 4000 spin on a driver = lots of lost distance Under 1000 spin on a driver I've never hear of.
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