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Lockdown conditions these days render unusually  extended time pondering things   ,  golf play and training are essentially out for the near future ,  the impossibly  poor skiing  season has ended unceremoniously so in my case  golf  clubs seem to get a LOT of ponderage now.  that and the  meaning /purpose of life the universe and everything , WHICH my son  just cant get his head around  the answer to  is  of course...........................,


 Unfortunatly  I cant gout and MANHANDLE the  new( ????,   not see anything good in yrs!)  goodies anylonger so I gotta make do with what I have, which ive redicsoverd aint  half bad!

So Ive been  pawing over my  multitudes , especially putters  and yesterday I came across these old faithfulls ,which, ive had re invigorated , quite superbly mind you by Kari lajossi yrs ago. OBV they are NOT wall flowers  t hes t hings believes it  or not are made to PLAY WITH not hang on a wall.

So rejigged my carpet in the basement, gave it a nice hoover,  straightened out  the kinks , but left the indents in there  for  some fun, set it  to about 8 feet and putt I go, I have NO resone or excuse now NOT to improve those knock ins  form inside 6 feet!

Heres a cpl to start ,  open to disucssions , pls add away   your old stash as you feel free  as  NO ONE can  now say they are too busy ~ !!!!











Edited by supo

Lovely putters Stu! That Callaway was new to me. Love it! 

Hickory shaft?    Very classy!! 

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ive played the cally in  few  comps at  home,  did ok with it , it has a wonderfull feel,  very spongey ,  the last game I played with t it  was   the day before I had a shoulder op ,  nailed the last put form 10 feet for par , in case it was so busted  I cud never play again, which at the time wasnt that unrealistic an event.

sent it to kari as a well done to myself. , I use it on range now  for practice.

the shaft is so nice.


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good enough to win a master by a 46yr old



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its got such a distinct feel.   prefer it to a lot of my other  copper isnerts, i think bec its so thin. u can really  feel the impact .

have another a bit thicker and thats a totally diff feel again.


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