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supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,

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ahhh Nice to see., they perform better than they look .

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How the fresh new season mate?


I am still gaming the ryoma D1 and it's still great since I bough from you.

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not hit a ball yet.  only been to the range a cpl of times only since novemeber.

lost my mojo for golf.  im desperately  trying to find  it!!!

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allllllllllllllrighty  JDM bag fans.

2017 just (finally) got under way. 225 balls at the range last night meant  my heads back where it  feels most comfy,


hitting JDM good ness.

remembering JDM means


japan DOMESTIC market..


MIJ that's a huge  difference that most seem to simply misunderstand.


took all my 6 irons out for a russle , and well theres a lot of them.but the standout consistency set was the Prgr IDBL WITH NS 105 protos.

lighter than I like but early days its a no brianer, the 4  iron on these goes like a 6 on other sets , cant deny I need the help early days. ive been  doing a 2 months intense  stretch/flexability  program which seems to have cleared up my tight back issue,  this AM  I woke without the slightest hint of discomfort. NICE CHANGE!!!!

driver wise it was a tougher  choice but to start the EPON 101 with diamana  stinger 70s + frehight  diaman X 70s the got the nod over a host of more , how shall we say   more suited to  mid season strength  drivers .. egg / tataki, kamui pro tataki, jbeam 435 diamana x.... ill wait  for some more strength till they get back In the rotation...  the freighit is just a fantastic placement tool where as the ep[on I can get pretty funky with, bot h not ubber bombers but to  start I don't need bombs that go into birds nests!

fairway woods , well there is a new one im not that horribly eeekd by  the new(er)  srixon /tourstage offerings  but one  again the older   ryoma d1 and MODART won out (pretty easly actually)  that ryoma  thing is so dam neasy to  hit and its huge long and the modart is just money to hit,  I  absolutely love it!

driving iron , im starting with the honma d1 NS950s but the saqra NS 125s  certainly gave it a russle , just bit heavy at this stage .n eed the extra height to start.

wedges--- all over the  place  on these but  to keep constancy with the  irons I went for a set of PRGR   nabla tours  with NS stx shafts ,a  bit bigger face , less room for error sublime feel and well  they are just easy to hit. with great grooves and nice controlled spin.


putter ive  FINALLY gone   full mallet based, out go the ansers, blades, u name it ,  bec. some stage  in life if u  don't realize  that by  repeating the same fkkn experiment the same way  and expecting a different result  , some fkkrs,  gonna lock u up and throw way the fkey !


btw u will  notice a DISTINCT lack of  new  brand newest is beautest  stuff here.


wonder why!


happy 17ing all

and what a  great great win by Sergio. no longer the greatest ever, never to have won,  it brought a small  tear im not afraid to admit!





Totally agree on the Sergio win. I too had to wipe them tears. Collin retakes the spot as the best ever to never have won a major (Champions Tour does not count here).

What about Westwood?

He's there too but has not won the OoM 8 times. 

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westy a favourite, always .  but I think serigo has him pipped.


  • 6 months later...
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Edited by supo

Gorgeous irons. One of the softest too.

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 going totally JDM  again  and getting some SP blues put in them ,I've  still got the   m226v shafts that  were  originals in these ..  made by NS, pw is lighter than the 3 iron, this is1/1



Edited by supo

  • 4 weeks later...
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wet weaqther bag

anyone had a specific bag for the rain. ??

for a start.. gripmaster  leather  grips   on EVERYTHING..

driver = proceeed  justick 10*  with diamana ali islei 73s. high all carry  slightly workable. so so easy to hit and get good carry without it ballooning.

2w = kasco  fd 12.5*   with diamana stinger 70x. never  use a 3 wood  off the deck in the wet for fear of diggage  so this gets the  alt wood spot.

5w=prgr egg 18*  with diamana stinger  70xx

(driving iron and ute usless in the wet. not enough carry)

irons= grindworks MB  protos with NS dps ( NS 120xs)  thicker all over, top line with  some  flesh, sole just a bit thiker and a small  compact  head size. not overly great for moving about the place which is prob a good thing as rain ususlly equates to a bit of moving air.

the extra thickness of the  leather grips also make it much harder to get cute with and make me hit the ball on a straighter path to begin with.

wedges= 52  Yamaha black raw     ..........56* syard bold

 both with shimada smoke . thew 52 rips the bejesus out of the bakkl and the 56  just kinda stays put, can go straight at target and know I wont move all over the place.

ball= prgr egg distance. ... this thing is a  marshmallow that goes  miles nad don't ned extra spin bec the greens hold!





  • 3 months later...
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New season bag  done dusted   slowly accumulatied few very rare and limited pieces That shud be the staple to the  retst of my golfing days as it's  painfully  sparse playing time now I've culled A ton of  underused gear over the winter  and will continue to eek out the balance bec I have  now what I think will take some usurping and my ho days are at an end, there's no point anymore  everyone now plays those POS callaway green spam and TM mwhatevers. Drivers   zzzzzzzzzzzz

 what a waste of time.

fridays trip thru the shop to inspire me depressed the shoot outta me, 45green drivers on sale forty ffkn five of them!!!!! Cudnt  the give the pieces of crap away,just made me angry that the bastion of all things special unique and supportive of the technician and specialised  craftsman had stooped   and is offloading a fistful of uber shiiite. now.

so heres some PROPER JDM.


THE .....,bags.


jbeam435 ' 9.5*/ 7dreamers 67sx ..  jbeam435  9*/ diamana stinger70x.,epon101 9.5* /labospec tataki75xs,prgr egg7 7*/ diamana aliislei83s, kamui pro tp07 11*/diamanaX 60x/ prgr  super egg/diamana X 60x,astor tour v11 9*/diamana stinger ,70xs ,ryoma d1 10.5*/diamana stinger 70s


kasco fd12.8*/diamana stinger70 x ,solid contacts 13* 2w/ diamana X 70x,prgr egg16.5*/ quadra fex75xs,ryoma d1 f3 13*/diamana alisslei 83s


honma di4i/ns125s ,prgr speed iron3i/ns125, modart ut/crazy ut black,Saqra18* ns 125s, fourteen tw1i 16*


honma pp737/nsstxproto,epon af tour cu matrixv11.1 125 proto, prgrtr500cu/ns2g18xss protos,callawaytour authentic/ns sp blue s,Masda mb cu ns2g18x ss protos,prgr idbl /ns2g18s proto,tourstage maru mb 2004 masters/shimada 3001  hs,miuraism sb01/NS125s


prgr tr /nswv125s, fourteen proto/ns wv125 s,tourstage Maru cu /TT Monaco x ,syard boldshimada smoke,prgr led/nswv125s


golds factory /benock/Yamada/Hiro Matsumoto/buchi/kasco



Tourstage x-01z + bridgestone bb330 tour,srixon Z star.


roddio tour bee/onoff carry,kinoshohanpu,NSpro tour caddy.




Edited by supo

  • 8 months later...
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END of another season of JDM and not 1  POS sepo spam went anywhere NEAR one of my bags.

 not a chance of that putrid TM mseries  whaterver number where up o this month or callies new super spam theory of distribution.  Nope only PURE  JDM for moi.

Nothing new was of any interest  driver wise, saw tried a few of them, the new prgr very disappointing...

Yamaha is  a disgrace nowadays....tourstage doesn't exist....ryomas laterst don't hold a candle to the original D1.....srixon,  I mean why??????....... so as it always seems  to be, the bespoke makers grab my attention  MILES more than the OEMS.

roddio did a nice new s-tuning  model, jbeam had some ' interesting ideas" but really none can surpass the 435 IMO.

freheit did a very nice players 415 cc model.. that's worth a peek.. astro tour  v3  is  ripper  that's prob  my head of the year  even tho  it wasn't from this year... I mean recent  years....and the kamui pro tp model is still in the bag as my all carry driver, finding that head hard to compete with let along beat!

the  astro tour is  the only " new" head I kept, none of the others I tired beat out what ive already got.

the BIG addition this season was the newer DIAMANA X shaft. its not too unlike the original model from 2013, but its a bit tighter  and a lighter feel I find, I spoke to the head techy guy at  bishi chem and  he said here are subtle differences in the materials  *( wudnt expand on that ) and there is a slight perfomramnce improvenment, but none that is easliy quantifiable  on course , I tend to  agree, the new one  feel a bit livelier , the older ones feel a bit more dense and more controlled, the new ones SEEM to give the hitter a sense of added distance , although that wasn't proven in my rounds what so ever  but I def fell like im hitting  the ball longer with the new model   and more controlled with the original model.. if any of that makes sense  , its a thing for sure .......... ie if its noice weather id take out the new one, if its windy id take out  the old one...its purely placebo im sure... ohg and BTW theyse shafts are MILES better  than  any other  bishi model , tensie  etc..... out there material wise... (str8 from the horses mouth!!) X is there top dog  and wont be replicated again for cost reasons so bear that in mind .

irons...................phooooarrrrr.......... not for me.

none of the OEMS even remotely looked  good,  HONMA disssapointed, prgr was filthy!!!!,  I don't even look at bridgestone anymore since they let go of tourstage. Yamaha,see above....

so, MASDA did a lovely set of MB that ill be getting next season, took me a while to like the new modle but I did a siede by side with the lastest MIURA models (yuk!!!!!!!!!!)  recently and the masdas blew em  all away for looks. The  closest was the fujumoto MB but that's a hollow  head and a very different  beast . So ill be sticking to the old stuff unless something stunning copmes up , but I don't think they will beat in the masdas. that fella does some good things.

driving irons/utes ,  fourteen did a lovely ut716 model ,that literally  took over my bag, they wont be for most folk, but they are irreplaceable in my bags now. 17*/21*  shafted one with a modus 105 and  the other with a  diamana  stinger

saqra ute/ di was a very nice cpl of pieces as well but I  prefer the look of the fourteen so they go  benched.

fairways. nothing to see here  at all. nothing beat out  the ryoma and prgr egg.

wedges..... hmmm nothing here at all as well.


putters.. ridiculous, benock was of course the flavour of the year and yes there is a hype abut also the  performance to back it. was a beees nudger awy form ordering an ubershlokken  early this year only for injury to curtail the order, that will be rectified next year for sure. go get another fitting done to make sure nothing has changed..and hey presto all m y bettis,scottys, can say sayonara.   !


so the bags ended up something like this..

 perfect day bag :

jbeam 435 9.5*/7dreamers

kasco FD 12.8*/ diamanan stinger.

prgr egg  16.5*/ quadra fire express 75xs  or  21* fourteen 716ut/stinger

masda (cu) 3/pw    / NS 2g18x  soft stepped, they have become my fave set.

Yamaha raw black 52* gap/ Ns sp orange

tourstage x-wedge  51/56 * / NS proto 130x

fourteen mt28  60* lw//NS 950s.

bridgetsone rs-x balls



WINDY day bag :

ryoma d1  9* / diamana stinger 70x

kasco FD 12.8* / graphite design  z9000m  6x.

fourteen di 17* / modus 105s

masda MB modus 120X

Prgr nabla id  51/57 * / NS wv125s

yururi 1.618 60* ( bent ) / ns 950s

tourstage x01z balls.



WET day  bag:

kamui pro tp 07   10.5* / diamana X 60x

buchi 2w 13* / diamana X 70s

prgr egg  18* / diamana stinger  70x+

grindworks MB  / NS dp X.

syard bold 52 + 56 * / monacco X

prgr egg balls


so that's a 2018 wrap of all things JDM troops.  No ral surprises , balls  might be the biggest change. loving the yokohaha range this year, PRGR balls are worth a look into , eps the rs spin model, they really do grip  and rip.


only thing on the horizon is a benock custom and a set of masda mbs for  next season  that I can forsee.  all wrapped up  in a new  a diamana  cart bag.


bring on 2019!!!

















  • 2 weeks later...
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New season is a toughy fighting  leg/hip  issues which insanely doesn't affect my swing  much at all ,apart form I cant laord into the front leg. so ive goe back to the old lift left leg and plant it down swing, to great success.

played about 1 doznen games this season  and driving has been insae. averaging 10.or 11 /14 fw per round  with the driver(s).

distance is obviously  down a bit from  prior but nothing that kills me.

nothing  NEW at all out now even remotely interest me ......................................

I wander thru the  shops  and its a cavalcade of TM and callway and PING  spam everywhere I look. all branf new  "  on sale ' with speeder shafts   errrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhh.. its enough to make me sick.!

ive checkeout the new jbeam range and  they don't even do it  ,  the new z11 looks interesting  and p3  is ok, but not over the 425 or 435 .

best of those is the 435 black I think, that might  get a gig one day.

woods: so its still the astro tours v2 and 3 that are getting  airtime  right now  for distance and   the kamui pro  tp07 and stuning roddio  ( that  I sold last weekend  and took back from him  on sat  )  bec I was absolutely fkkn killing it,  baby draws that are impossible not to just ogle .... soaring bombs. thigns of beauty, that  part of my  bag is a lockdown at the moment. all  drivers have cadero grips.

fairway woods :  im in a transition mode  been using the ryoma f2 13* freom the deck , its I think unbealtablke but its a bit lower than I need. shorter tracks  I need a 15* high launcher so I found the kamui  14.5*  which will get airtime soon, they make it in 14.5 and 17.5, ive got my trusty PRGR egg 16.5*  MFD  quadra fex and 18*  egg stinger that ae comp clubs ,but I have a feeling this kamui might be right alongside ...

driving irons:   I use the old honma twut   or saqra and Ive been hitting the titleist mb2i  with mixed success.   but the one I built that im gravitating to a lot is the PRG speed iron 3i NSsp orange, gives up a bit of distance but the consistency wit hit over rides the distance failures.

irons: made a pact ot myself to play only mb this year unless something completely goes askew , so far its ok, so ive been ousting my cb collection apart form my PRGR tr500 which I don't ill ever relinquish, and and im gaiming honma tw 717/727, masda mb. tourstage maru, epon aftour, Yamaha sx25, minuno tn93,  and eyes are firmly on mizuno mp5   or mizuno pro mb or the new  (secret).... seven   mb that I really do like the look of. all shafts are NS modus protos. predominatly the 2g18s   or Dp,   just like the way they  fly.

wedges:  makes it very tough to play big  easy to hit wedges when the mb are  small and compact so the go tos have been  tourstge xwedge  form mid 2000s, fourteen mt protos ,  prgr  tr, yonex ezones, Yamaha  black raw, not much else so far, the new  fourteen  bd look very tempting  as do a set of  mizuno 07s.

balls: been hitting all and sundry here, titlesit  vx yellow, prgr rs spin I  LOVE  these, srixon z-star , bridgestone tour bx.can thorw a blacket over most of them but the 2 that stand out are the BS   and   RS spin for me., over all the bridgies tend to grab the spot more often tho. I pretty much only play fluro yellow so they BS have the best .

putters: ALLO F THEM!











Edited by supo

  • 5 months later...
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fun bag ,old.school ish

good day out!



Edited by supo

  • 4 months later...
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2020. end of winter is fast approaching and range time  has reared it head.

2019 was a VERY mixed bag in terms of play and clubs.

 virtually NOTHING  has taken my eye in the last yr or 4,or5,or6.............. seriously..

PRGR has gone to the dogs, Yamaha went there yrs ago miura is making space ship designs, epon is retarrrrrded,  honma had a good spat a cpl of yrs back but  their  new mbs are so small, I think u need to hit a marble with them not a golf ball.

drivers, bwahahahahahahahahha... are u kidding me they are all s**tttte!!!!!!

no way anything new is better than  say the epon 101..  from 10 yrs ago  of course unles its TM and their average   drive is now 525 yards of course!!!

I almost vomit day glow every time I go and have a look at the new things on offer, they are gaudy and awful.

 2020 driver will be the tried tested jbeam 435  with 7 dreamers   for accuracy

for distance its the same head with the diamana  stinger

for high launch on wet days its the roddio s-tuning with diamana X 70s  or the kamui pro tp7  with dianaman X 60x.

(9 this one has been magnificent  in  2019!!!)..

As alternates ill game the ryoma d1 ( yes original and best ryoma  with diamana stinger 70s   or the astro tour v3 with quadra  ns-tp-v  or whatever insanely convoluded  mark they gave it!  anyway this club I love. thing is a beast !

 nothing new driver wise  has ANY chance in hell of getting a look in

fairway woods. well ive gone even more obtuse ( ie old) , I cant stop hitting the Royal collection bbd type d 14*/17*   heads with diamana alislei shafts.

I just love how they look at address and how they feel.

 sorry but all my other uber schlokkens are going to  take a huge backseat  to these for a while.

driving iron , nothing competes with the honma tw u...

utes  well I  don't mind supplanting a 18* saqra ute in for a wood at times on shorter courses  the ute  is more accurate no worries there.

irons.. apart from the axisz2 irons which I found recently  and will most prb get first  , ill prob look hard at the muziik mb as well... ill  try and keep it to those with my tried and tested

masda  mb/ honma pp737 30th/  epon aftour/ tourstage maru/.

with hopefully  both of the ones above added.

wedges  yamaha raw balck. syard bold. toursatge  x wedge, fourteen mt  protos shud see me right.

putters ... finally going to get my custom personalized   benock made , after having resounding success with the fugliest head on a putter ever ..  I got  as a test and cudnt stop nailing them , benock DLC face is insane!

so u might see a heap of ."ok " putters on the blocks 'soon ish.  haha

balls, cant fault the bridgestones.. tried all the rest and just keep on coming back to B/S.

 yea kinda looking forwards toe the new golf season !


  • supo changed the title to supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21........,
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10 yrs of bags on TSG!

WOW, i cudnt have  guessed this  place wud still be going today  but alas here we still are  , the few that used to  be many....... .

So,  a seemingly  hideous unshakable  arm Injury  in  Dec has taken its  hold this year , im hoping its not a going forward thing but at the moment things are not even on the same  planet as what the once were, only been back for 2 weeks  and well  "back " is relative when  u consider an 8 iron that used to go  155yards now goes 100ish   u get where im at.

The  positive im taking out of this is  the chance to try new (exciting???)  clubs and shafts id never normally use.

When once i was thrashing  KYOEI custom blades infsued with essence of NS proto 2f15x  or c10  proto hard stepped ,  im now using GI  heads i wud have once used to hammer nails  in with  and shafts more accustomed to holding up  tomato plants in my backyard that in my iorns on a weeekend  but  


 Seems uliities  are back in the  frame  as they are so much easier to hit than  long  irons   and  wedges are all but a hopeless  joke, i cant not get any power down and as of saturaday  i cudnt hit a pw  90 yards 

Aahhhhhhhhhhhh  seems my bank balance is under threat once  again from the insideous virus of JDM club hoing!

So here it is  ( for now and beyond) and will stay somewhat similar  for a while id think  but its better than being not able to even pick  up a club like the first 5 months on this yr  has been. Literally.. unable to pick up a cup of tee till 4 weeks ago  so it starts all over again.....................................................,


Onoff type D  10*/ labospec tataki 40reg, prob in the group of  best beginners driver of all time  im backing, with a great ,GREAT shaft, this  head comes with the  stock smooth kick shaft which by itself is adequate. well more than adequate really  but  with the roddio shaft it  comes alive, when one is driving < 50%  than one can, every  inch counts both distance and lateral. THIS driver is a dead set knock out, i cant say  that enough,, its insanely good, my  swing speed id say about 80-90 mph  now at best ,   ive  used  this driver a cpl of times  a while back and it ballooned too far for  me then, its my ( when once ) friends cud  drop in for golf  driver   ,but now its lights out  for me , i don,t (cant),  try and kill it from the tee i  just  do a simple swing thru the line and sit back in awe really of how good  this is without  much  effort , and no power at all.  Im driving this about 220 yards and im literally just turning  thru it  and hitting thru the ball and it goes with minimal effort.  ill NEVER  get rid of this driver, its a life saver.


All at sea.

Have to rebuild one  and its going to be something like a  2015 prgr egg  with diamana red  slightly  fatter with  a small compact  head and a super easy face to strike and instant elevation ,  if they had one in 16.5*  it wud be   already built.


Simply cant hit longer irons  for now  so a ute is coming back.

Driving irons are prob  not  a possibility for a long time  either , so the bag  fave HONMA twu is out.im thinking a nice EPON might do the trick they were SO easy to hit. not sure what model but Yamaha  also used to make a good one as do  Fouteen  , they make a lot of good ones  but  the super softness of EPON will prob get a run, steel shafts are OUT so ill prob plum for a (the2nd  best ute shaft ive hit) GD grey tour  AD hybrid   in a 65s  flex.


Sigh................ this is tough. 

 I have Yamaha 2010 forged with NS v90reg  in play with a set of  2006 onoff 10237 with NS 850reg. these have been exceeeeeeeeeedingly good to restart  golf with, no weight to throw about, so easy to hit the ball ESPECIALLY from a tee, very very highly recomended for beginner irons . this set up is really  as easy as a set can get.

i found my old set of MIURA 3001  dent sole ( that  Mr Yururi, yes that one of YURURI fame  made while he as at  miura grinding  for them way back  when ), and ill either put a set of NS SUPER PEENING red  or shimada 3001 cw in those, for a few weeks fouther down the track ,  they are a very heavy head   so heavy shafts are a bit  of an ask, i had these with monacos once upon a time and they were like hitting a ball with a  lumberjacks axe! , honestly nothing plays better  in these than NS 950s really but i just like a bit more non stock, a bit more ........esoteric, both these shafts tick that box.  Have been scouring for a set of carbons i like but i just cant get a set that ill justify the build cost vs play ratio . best i can find are 200 bux  a shaft for a set that will sit idle for a long time............. thats an ask++++.

Have a set of crazy  LTD  that im building in a set of player heads for winter but still  cant  decide on which heads to match them with.

i dont like MCI nor regios  so im flumoxed and its  back to steel .

Tough  year  this one but at one stage as recently as a month ago i had ZERO confidence id  be playing  before summer IF AT ALL  this year so  im  glad  to play shiiiit in  small discomfort  than not at all .

At least it brings with it reason to HO, an activity i dont need a lot of prodding to do!






Great that you are giving it a go and still tinker about!

  • supo changed the title to supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22........,
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2022 season  up   and running and its been awsome!

8 weeks in now ,no damn  injuries  from snow season to contend with,KKKKK-korona all but gone, courses  are packed  and expensive again!
There may be more than some   difficulties getting T- times but when uve been hitting  balls on tracks as long as i have here, thankfully i  still get some leeway.

Its alllllllllllllllllllllll about the zen.

Once again.....  like every spring , ive scoured the shops looking for " something  newer/better than what i  have " ,  unlike most tho, i dont presume bec it was released 3 mins ago its gotta be better!! 

"  its technology,, its better!!!" 

 phaaaaaa, what crap!

Once again, not ONE  newer OEM  piece  have i seen that can knock whats in my  bags , out.

not wedges, not drivers, not fairway woods ,  certianly not any OEM irons....................... ,

but is EPON an OEM ??????

 bec. the latest  EPON af tours MB   will be bagged  soon, i  had the CB which i  liked ,a lot, i thought they were fantastic ,  so good in fact, my bud  gamed em one day ,nicked em off me  and ive not seen them again in my  bag bugger  wont relinquish them! 

 I will grab a set of the MB instead of the  cbs  this seaossn for sure and shaft them up  with maybe  the NS anniversay 115s  i think,  i have a cpl of sets of these and really quite like the look and play of them , they may launch a little too high in epon heads tho, that  is my only concern ,bit tough to test one out randomly  when i know  100%  the  shimada 3001  or  Ns super peening orange will  be lights out in them .. oh  yes  id take any of those as a set up any day thanks!

 Speaking of which, the EPON  heads have a non insignifcant  redesign to them to  the  originals, less offset , smaller more comapct   frame and a slightly differnt swoosh in the muscle. they look a bit more PLAYYYY-AHHHH than the originals which suits my eye  nicely, not sure id ever give up  the originals   but can/ wud   add the latest  MB set to the stable , maybe not  over a cpl of my more fancied sets  ,  as it is im still gaming and cant see whn ill stop  gaming the YAMAHA 2010 tours with crazy cbi80  ltd S, PRGR tr500/NS sp red s , PRGR idbl NS 2g18s protos  when i facny as CB set but its been the MASDA mb  NS stx  and  HONMA 727m NS 125s  that im serisly hitting well. If i do get the  EPONS, how do u make the call to play them over these ????????

post KKKKkorna problems to consider! 

So 2022  wood  wise is all about the KAMUI PRO 10* tp09 with seven dreamers .

my god that thing has jumped above all my old faves,  FINALLY got it wired properly ,  the feel of it is insane, it launches ANY way i want, low screaming cuts or  HIGH bomb draws ,  discovered its all about the tee height, its not as stiff as a cpl of my other  j-beam beasts  which i use when it blows  but  as an all rounder   its just ahhhhhhhhhhhh..i  cant get  it out of the bag.  This and  the diamana X 60x astro tour 10*  have had all the game time so far.

FAIRWAY woods, well i spent the  back half of last year rebuilding  all my old shafts with a flurry of  royal collection heads and its been a dream, had  12 shafts in the bin,so  i traded  a heap of   unused irons and  drivers for  these and cant stop hitting on range with  them.

what i can say without fear of  remorse is the crazy fw80 shaft  is peerless when it comes to a  stiff shaft that is  electric  in feel, completley automatic in its ability to do as its told  ,  and  IMPOSSIBLE to lose  left........ utterly  impossible, every thing has a hint  of fade to  it and it launches low,  in the wind  my 16*  bbd  is without  equal  its NOT a bomber its THE control  club of clubs ,  i dont even take another  fw in th wind ,  theres no point.  its equally great for ma tee if required as it is from the grass its not the best in normal conds when i need a wood to launch  high and sit on short par 5s, that role is taken by the  17* p104 with  quadra tpx65s , in fact this FW has become my most  versatile , its so easy to ingnite, doesn need to be  monstered to work and i can make it move both ways when needed   its a really  ' nice"   fw shaft  , a  total all rounder.

Utility has been back and forawrd with the HONMA tw-u original,  (it beat out the newer  more compact version  bec  of head shape ,i hit it  more like a wood than an iron.) and the royal collection cvxer 21*  i cant shake these 2.

if its blowy ill take out  the honma, if its nice, then the RC gets it, both at impact are insaely good.

ive  taken all and sundry out but my "game day" are  a mix.

i love the PRGR tr multi-forged 52* from 2004 *  , its onset i can get into the ball with compression  and  zip  it  about, its fantastic  from    50 yard FWay bunkers  and it zips all over  the place  and /or the honma 48* with NS 120s , launches HIGHER and plays more like a 50-52 than a 48*, i love its shape esp on tighter lies, if the grass is thin this gets bagged.

56* that goes to the yamaha  raw black as a rule with an NS sp orange s, i cant get more spin with a wedge than  with this  , its not overly versatile ,     its a bit more  point shoot with some  sharp  leading   edge to grab spin  but i can rely on it when im actually counting shots.

 The 60*  is the fourteen mt-28 , period .

When i play a  "  set of wedges "  the PRGR nabla black   52/56 in  the  wet have beaten out the bolds , smaller more comapct head shape , or  the Toursatge raw black  pear shaped 52/56/60  when dry are  THE most versatile wedges i think that ive ever seen , yea by   by a long  long way actually ,  think i enjoy playing these more than any, esp when im just mucking  about, i can make these heads do anything i can  think of,   problem  is , in comp, when i try  to get snappy  i  often  come a cropper..........the other set i love are the fourteen 53/58 protos, when im hitting wedges well(which is NOT right now!!!)  i play these  quite a bit more with my MB irons than anything esle, but i gotta be hitting it good!

ive rebuilt a cplf the golds and HM with longer shafts and thicker  grips which  has made a difference. the Gripmaster round has been excellent.

the extra 1-2 inch has made a big difference to my stroke as well, much more upright  and  pendulum  at impact  and less handsy.

Game time  on 10+  stimps tho,  its the  ODYSSEY 2 ball exo that makes the least mistakes.

the cost  of it has been payed back twice already in nassau.



bridgestones and toursatge x-01s (still!!!!) 

something so mentally confident whne i hit these over  all else, only other balls  i like   are  the  green/yellow srixon  and  RS spin   PRGR  form yokohama,   but the B/S  is way my fave.

 p/s good distance ball is the  PREGR egg, that thing feels like  a  super ball.

all wrapped up in these  little  rippers, the diamana   ive been   tryign to get  hold of  for  over  5yrs  finally convinced old mate to let me have one ! 


long live 2022! 







Stew I LOVE that your playing an iron set with tradition lofts. I’m loving my Kyoei 1964s right now transitioned straight into a set of sky dream jump wedges in 48-54-60. All with 2s14x shafts. Those new af tour MB’s sound sick but I wonder still about the offset since the 1964s have basically 0!

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i dont mind a  little   bit  of offset  esp  in CBs , the  EPON  CBs have a bit  and  it  suits the head, im fidgety as a rule  about offset  but this doesnt worry me  at all.

the only issue i have  ,which ive alwyas  had  with irons  from EPON is they feel so damn soft  and at compression i dont feel the ball as much as id like !

i feel like im hitting a great ball most of the time , which is great  as a rule, golf sposed to be fun for gorrrsakes, but if im trying to improve  i get  a slightyl diluted  feeling of excellence when its clearly a pure shot . 

 the HONMAS  in particular  give me  instant feedback without  shuttering my elbow if imiss it  and an insane dopamine rush when i get one ........, its   complete feedback where ive hit it.
they are  dense soft  , i just love those heads.

fact is tho ............ the masdas im hitting the best AT the meoment  so im playing  these again .






Edited by supo

  • 6 months later...
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FINALLY got my epon af-tour cbs back with the shimada ks 3001s in them and gripmaster leather non tapered.
  played them last cpl of roudnds culminting in  onee of the best striking days of hte season yesterday.

the antidote to  butter  soft head is a denser shaft.
NS super peening and  these shimadas.

sort  of forgot just how good a stike can feel.


good  lord if ur after a  set of heads that just make u  smile...................

  • 1 month later...
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last  2022 game. 
-epon af tour  cb   5/pw
-yonex ezone  chiba ground 48/52/58
-roycoll 14/18*
-fourteen  ut 21*
-astro tour 10*/ diamana x 60s
-hiro mats  hadndmade L
77 ..........  not a bad  finish on a jack  nicholas tour course .
double bogied  the   last to  miss my best score here! 

if  this  is the  last blog on this  forum , this was a great bag to  end on!



  • supo changed the title to supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,

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