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Sorry for the strange subject of this post but I felt it was necessary to give you guys an update to as why I've been distant from the forum for the past two months.

It's been a wild ride in 2016...  The plan was to live abroad for a year while our new place was under construction. I started the year working my tail off in Japan for three months the result of that work is on the horizon.  (3 amazing brands coming! )... We Found out baby #2 was on the way I couldn't ask for more.  Then for all our hard work we would take a  break and spend the next three months in Europe, then Hawaii after.  Work was pumping along fine lots of new exciting products and projects in the works, and then my father's health took a turn for the worse.  He had already beat kidney cancer once a few years ago but one day a dry cough had them go beyond a CT and use an MRI which found stage 4 cancer had spread.  Given a few months to live with no treatment or the possibility of a year or two he had decided to fight it.  The treatment he was given hit him hard with a side effect that only happens to less than 1% of those who use the drug.  The treatment almost killed him faster than cancer did and he spent a lot of time in the ICU which was where I was handling many of the emails from for some time.  

Construction of my home was recently completed, and I moved my mini zoo, wife, and child across the country last month.  We are in the process of moving my folks nearby as well so that I can take care of them.  My dad is stable now and about to start immunotherapy in a few days.  With a young child and another on the way we pray now is not his time.  My father is the man who introduced me to the game of golf and this crazy game of life.  I've played more rounds with him than anyone else and would give anything just to have one more round with him.  

That is why the forum has lacked content lately.  I'm sorry about that.  Good news is that I'm back and what's coming and leading us into the new year and beyond is our biggest projects to date.  

Watch and see what's coming next!



Sorry to hear of the rough time, Chris. All strength and best to your father and to you and your family.


Sending prayers your family's way!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Chris!

If he's a fighter then I'm sure he'll meet your second child. Unfortunately my dad never saw my 2, and that was cancer too. 

Best wishes Chris.

All the best to you and your love ones, Chris. Totally understand the tough time. I lost my dad to cancer years ago and still don't want to believe it


s**tty man, my best. I lost my dad two years ago out of thin air... it sure wasn't easy. I wish your dad and all your family the strength to get through this.

Sending warm thoughts from a chilly Sweden. Stay positive and focused if you can.


Very sorry about that. I went thru it 14 years ago as I lost my Mom to cancer.  Its a very powerless feeling.  All the best to you and your family.

Edited by driverhead


So sorry to hear about your father's illness. I pray and hope he will recover.  I lost my father to cancer 7 years ago. He was ill for 2 years before he passed on. Cancer is a gut wrenching thing to go thru. 

Edited by akapur

Always tough to hear the C word. Best of luck to you and your family and stay strong Chris

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Thanks to everyone's support.  It's unreal to see how many people cancer has taken someone from.  

all the best chris, the way you describe your relationship with your dad sounds like mine.

i know what your going thru buddy. just had #2 a few weeks ago. hang in there!

praying everything works out.

C..... is a surreal part of life but never the less : /

Warm whises for another round together with your father <3

Sorry to hear that Chris, God bless you and your family. 

Hang in there Chris. Family first always. Don't worry about us!!!

Sending good energy to your old man. Having met you I can bet he is a great bloke.

My thoughts and prayers are with him...hang in there, Chris.

Sorry to hear about this and best wishes to you and your family as you cope with your father's illness. It's a tough thing to go through - and thanks for sharing your story.

smooth sailing from now 

All the very best wishes to your father and to all your family. Never quit hoping!

Chris, one of the things I like the most about TSG is it  feels like a shared passion among people, not just a transaction with a business. I feel honored by your post, to know of your father, to feel the humanness at the core of each of us. With me, too, with my father... just one more round and to thank him.   With respect and warm wishes to you and your family, Chuck

All the best..hope he recovers

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