March 16, 20159 yr Author not seen the p2s in hand . , but if unlce says they are good , then they must be perrrrrrrrrrrrty nice. personally..., im also not that big a fan of thier look in photos. and i really liked the p1s in hand, love that look. the more i fondle the srixons tho, the more i drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. swapped out the shaft in the masdas on sat for a test run, put the aerotech 110x in it instead of the c-taper really good switch.. was a terrific session smoother feel, but felt heavier actually. not sure how.., fligh was low mid nad quite long. these had a bit more distance to them. than the nippon protos, but that expected. landing was def lower. really really good clubs for my wind i think, ill leave these back home they going in them full time now
March 16, 20159 yr In not surprised you liked the 110x. I've been a fan of slightly lighter shafts making heavier swingweight irons for a while now. 115g shafts at D5 seems to be my sweet spot.
March 16, 20159 yr In not surprised you liked the 110x. I've been a fan of slightly lighter shafts making heavier swingweight irons for a while now. 115g shafts at D5 seems to be my sweet spot. same here!
March 17, 20159 yr Played my Bridgestone J15 MB's (Modus 120's) for the first time today and I was very impressed, EXCELLENT setup I can see these sticking in my bag for the entire season. Great feel with amazing shot control and turf interaction, excited for 2015 to finally begin here in the thawing Midwest. BB
March 18, 20159 yr FH 1000 for me... looks and performs great (when the Indian can actually fire the arrow properly!). Played with the FH1000 for a few rounds, hitting from all kinds of lie, one of the most forgiving blade out there (having played Miura 1957 Small Blades and TB). I almost bought the z945 instead of the z745, but my scores take priority and blades just adds a couple strokes to my game so I'm sticking with players CB. Having said that, I still have a set of Adams MB2 blades that just sits there and maybe gets a swing or two at the range, or if I'm playing 9-holes on a short course =)
April 17, 20159 yr Author Right, so ur in love with your girlfriend of the past year or so, shes pretty damn hot, all the right things are in the right places. u share the same likes and thoughts, things are just bon.............................., and juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust then when u think things cant get better ............, SHE walks past..................... obviously, ur head instinctively turns to acknowldege said ravishing beauty, man does not live by bread alone! the sun is shining, the sky is blue, skirts are getting shorter ,attentions turn to the world aboutyou . yup, shes a knockout all right, but there all knockouts.... and it matters not bec ur already in love. damn it..! weeks go past. happy days entail ,and just then when ur not expecting it SHE walks past, again!!!!! ok you think, ohhh yea.., this is interesting , am i getting stalked here ( gulp.., or in fact am i doing the stalking?????) this time shes in an even shorter skirt, her hair has just been done , and her cheeks appear to be even rosier. her legs longer..., yo u think shes looking back at you smiling , and u tell yourself you can almost her her whispering . take me baby , im yours... BUT u ignore her, the ramifications will be calamitous! ill be with her only in my mind. but youve already started questioning ur beliefs, deceause, those legs are DEF. longer, those hips are def. more pronucned. that chest is DEF more presented. and thast where it all goes awry! you know uve commited to one but right now mentally ur with another. what to do??? YOU KNOW sharing doesnt seem to go down terribly well . so trade in the old for the new, or take the punt on both a te same time and see which horse bucks the most..!!!!!! gulp, i cant ignore the prehistoric rumblings any longer, that unmistakable male longing for more. i had to strike, she was there again and it was like passing over a super model. just cudnt take the pressure any longer ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! srixon z945 DONE..! Edited April 17, 20159 yr by supo67
April 17, 20159 yr Author Played my Bridgestone J15 MB's (Modus 120's) for the first time today and I was very impressed, EXCELLENT setup I can see these sticking in my bag for the entire season. Great feel with amazing shot control and turf interaction, excited for 2015 to finally begin here in the thawing Midwest. BB i just laid eyes on these and i have to say these are just sensational looking i wud rate them right at the top of extreme player loking blades, very differnt to the older model, very differnt indeed. much more rounded, and it look s like WAY less off set i nthe 9 and PW. no piant fill, just typical tourstage(oops BS) blade perfection. these are DEFINATLY in the mix might be right there around 1-2-3-4. choice. well well worth looking at , esp guys playing the older models, these will really look the goods
April 17, 20159 yr Right, so ur in love with your girlfriend of the past year or so, shes pretty damn hot, all the right things are in the right places. u share the same likes and thoughts, things are just bon.............................., and juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust then when u think things cant get better ............, SHE walks past..................... obviously, ur head instinctively turns to acknowldege said ravishing beauty, man does not live by bread alone! the sun is shining, the sky is blue, skirts are getting shorter ,attentions turn to the world about. you yup, shes a knockout all right, but there all knockouts.... and it matters not bec ur already in love. weeks go past. happy days entail ,un just then weh nu r not expecvting it SHE walks past, again!!!!! ok you think, this is interesting , am i getting stalked here ( gulp.., or in fact am i doing the stalking?????) this time shes in an even shorter skirt, her hair has just been done , and her cheeks appear to be even rosier. her legs longer..., yo u think shes looking back at you smilinng , and u tell yourself you can almost her her whispering . take me , im yours... so u ignore it mobviously it wasnt happeneing it was in my mind. but its now firly in your mind and you start stat questioning ur beliefs, those legs are DEF. longer, those hips are def. more pronucned. that chest is DEF more presented. and thast where it all goes awry. you know uve commited to one but right now mentally ur with another. what to do, bec sharing doesnt seem to go down terribly well. now does it . so what to do................. trade in the old for the new, or take the punt on both a te same time and see which horse bucks the most..!!!!!! i cant ignore the prehistoric rumblings any longer, that unmistakable male longing for more. i had to strike, she was there again and it was like passing over a super model srixon z945 DONE..! such a great analogy stew, I was pretty wrapped up in this one lol you should consider writing a fifty shades of grey for men/golfers lmao Edited April 17, 20159 yr by needmoregolf
April 17, 20159 yr Right, so ur in love with your girlfriend of the past year or so, shes pretty damn hot, all the right things are in the right places. u share the same likes and thoughts, things are just bon.............................., and juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust then when u think things cant get better ............, SHE walks past..................... obviously, ur head instinctively turns to acknowldege said ravishing beauty, man does not live by bread alone! the sun is shining, the sky is blue, skirts are getting shorter ,attentions turn to the world aboutyou . yup, shes a knockout all right, but there all knockouts.... and it matters not bec ur already in love. damn it..! weeks go past. happy days entail ,and just then when ur not expecting it SHE walks past, again!!!!! ok you think, ohhh yea.., this is interesting , am i getting stalked here ( gulp.., or in fact am i doing the stalking?????) this time shes in an even shorter skirt, her hair has just been done , and her cheeks appear to be even rosier. her legs longer..., yo u think shes looking back at you smiling , and u tell yourself you can almost her her whispering . take me baby , im yours... BUT u ignore her, the ramifications will be calamitous! ill be with her only in my mind. but youve already started questioning ur beliefs, deceause, those legs are DEF. longer, those hips are def. more pronucned. that chest is DEF more presented. and thast where it all goes awry! you know uve commited to one but right now mentally ur with another. what to do??? YOU KNOW sharing doesnt seem to go down terribly well . so trade in the old for the new, or take the punt on both a te same time and see which horse bucks the most..!!!!!! gulp, i cant ignore the prehistoric rumblings any longer, that unmistakable male longing for more. i had to strike, she was there again and it was like passing over a super model. just cudnt take the pressure any longer ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! srixon z945 DONE..! Great post Stu. So true, so true............
April 18, 20159 yr Author Well Shes in the bag for tomorrows mega ball a thon however i think my partner might be a little on the shocked side after today performance Hoping hes alive tomorrow to enjoy her ravishing form! then we can do masda vs a grind vs srixon blade comp. Some damn niceness in there i assure you
April 18, 20159 yr Your partner is worn out...but looking forward to another round today! Hitting 10 balls per hole was awesome but not the golf I was expecting...especially bright and early after a night in The Pong! Btw, fellas...I'm not exaggerating...10 balls per hole...I finally had to stop and count to believe it!!!! This guy is insane. When he posts about testing clubs on the course where it counts, it's amazingly all true. I've always paid attention to his comparisons but now I have a new respect for everything he writes. His club builds are amazing. His builder, a genius! I've got so many things to try with my gear when I get home! And Craig, you were spot on about what I would like!!
April 19, 20159 yr The new Srixon irons have been severely overlooked. Glad to see they're gaining some well deserved traction.
April 20, 20159 yr Author ill take a side by aside one day i get around to it. i played the srixons yesterday, so 3 sets in 2 days, pretty differnt set ups all of them, and very differernt feels. the srixons are a thicker top line , slightyl longer blade with a slighty rounded toe . with very little offset and a v-sole. design is excellent, to my eye these are close to perfect. the feel is good albeit slightly muted bec the shafts are DG., saying tthat they play very well very very consistant, cant ask for anything other than conisstancy. found them to be quite workable but very steady and mid low flight. these wud be great in wind , if there was any. i think of all the sets the srixons are the most all rounder ish and flight was middle of the 3 sets . the muscle design is excellent with a very "heavy weighty " impact. something i love. i was immediatly enamoured with them from first hit. ive decided these are coming on hols with me, for no other reason other than they are the newest. most prob going to reshaft them with the NS 2g18s. aboslutley nothing wrong with the desging tuning tour issue DG s200, but im an NS guy thru and thru. these are, in my opion are the best of the srixon blades ive hit and just a tad more to my style than the classic pro100s which are a clsoe second. but the latest shape does it for me and these get the bag spot.
April 20, 20159 yr ill take a side by aside one day i get around to it. i played the srixons yesterday, so 3 sets in 2 days, pretty differnt set ups all of them, and very differernt feels. the srixons are a thicker top line , slightyl longer blade with a slighty rounded toe . with very little offset and a v-sole. design is excellent, to my eye these are close to perfect. the feel is good albeit slightly muted bec the shafts are DG., saying tthat they play very well very very consistant, cant ask for anything other than conisstancy. found them to be quite workable but very steady and mid low flight. these wud be great in wind , if there was any. i think of all the sets the srixons are the most all rounder ish and flight was middle of the 3 sets . the muscle design is excellent with a very "heavy weighty " impact. something i love. i was immediatly enamoured with them from first hit. ive decided these are coming on hols with me, for no other reason other than they are the newest. most prob going to reshaft them with the NS 2g18s. aboslutley nothing wrong with the desging tuning tour issue DG s200, but im an NS guy thru and thru. these are, in my opion are the best of the srixon blades ive hit and just a tad more to my style than the classic pro100s which are a clsoe second. but the latest shape does it for me and these get the bag spot. thanks for the review, S, keen to your description of it being a weighty muscle, as those types seem to be to my liking as well. how would you compare to tourstage 909, since we all know you're a big tourstage guy as well? how do they compare to yururi flatbacks?
April 20, 20159 yr Your partner is worn out...but looking forward to another round today! Hitting 10 balls per hole was awesome but not the golf I was expecting...especially bright and early after a night in The Pong! Btw, fellas...I'm not exaggerating...10 balls per hole...I finally had to stop and count to believe it!!!! This guy is insane. When he posts about testing clubs on the course where it counts, it's amazingly all true. I've always paid attention to his comparisons but now I have a new respect for everything he writes. His club builds are amazing. His builder, a genius! I've got so many things to try with my gear when I get home! And Craig, you were spot on about what I would like!! sounds like a ton of fun, and you def got your $$ worth on the course! did you end up with some new fav's after hitting all that gear over the course of only a few days?
April 21, 20159 yr Author yes i did indeed......! drivers. the egg 7 and egg 1 i cudnt split and the astro tour amazing distance. that hing aint going anywhere wdges were an old set of prgrs. from 4-5 yrs back, easily the best suited to me was knockingt hem dead the week before,(think a combo of touratge x and bolds..!) irons were tough t osay either the masdas or the srixons. matter snot i think the masdas were nicer of the spongier grass, and the srixpns are nicer on the ahrder grass. hence why the srixons will come on hols OS with me. but mid summer u wont get th masdas outa my hands i can assure you. farway woods, the egg spoon is un real i got that dialed in so wel now its an automatic bag choice( the new model) itsp lenty long, not AS long as tghe original but close enough nad in 16.5* is a great coice to get the ball higher and softer fro mth blue tees its a no brianer, from the blacks i can use the old egg for a bit more run. ok they are a LOT nice to look at at address than both the old tourstage bec of thisssue of the neckline the touratge cavity 909 and 905 muscle design is the best design of a MB ever. what srixon did was use that as a base and evolve it made it a bit easier to hit , they REALLY did a good jopb on this, if u like the tourstage u will love the srixons i predirct. esp if u like a rounder neck line and less offset. the only reaon im not playing those old tourstage is bec the neckline is awkward to my eye the srixons fixed that with these unlessprgr come out with a blade then ill be done for clubs this year
April 21, 20159 yr Author if u like a slightly larger head , not much but slightly, and a diff neck line then yes. the 909 stil llooks more of a scoring weapon, but the srixon is easier to play and a fuller feel. it think tis like a roided up 905 actually!
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